UPC stands out as the #1 in the Merco Digital ranking for two consecutive years

For two years in a row, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) took first place in the Merco Digital ranking. This measurement, conducted by Merco (Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation) for its 2020 edition, is calculated considering UPC’s online presence, considering mentions in digital communication, blogs, and institutional social networks belonging to the university. It should be noted that Instagram is the social network in which the UPC had greater presence during the past year.
Merco (Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa) is already one of the benchmark monitors in the world. It is a reputation-assessment instrument launched in 2000, based on a multi-stakeholder methodology made up of six assessments and twenty-five information sources.
Currently, Merco develops eight monitors (Merco Empresas (business), Merco Líderes (leaders), Merco Responsabilidad y Gobierno Corporativo (corporate responsibility and governance), Merco Talento (talent), Merco Talento Universitario (university talent), Merco Consumo (consumption), Merco Digital y MRS (digital and health reputation monitor) and is present in twelve countries: Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama, and Portugal (in progress).
It is the first audited monitor in the world given that the follow-up and verification of its preparation and results process are subject to an independent review by KPMG, according to the ISAE 3000 standard, which issues its opinion for each edition. All weighting criteria are public as well as the results from each edition, and are available on its website.