UPC has been recognized as the most inclusive Peruvian university

- Within a context marked by the respect for diversity in comprehensive education, UPC has been recognized by América Economía’s annual ranking of the best Peruvian universities as the educational institution with the highest promotion of inclusion in the country.
- The UPC has also been recognized as the first university in accreditation and internationality for the fourth and seventh consecutive years, respectively, and the fourth most important in Peru.
Lima, November 2020. Nowadays, respect for diversity is a fundamental value for the professional education of upstanding global leaders. This can be seen in Goal 10 of the United Nations Development Program: Reduced inequalities. It consists in adopting sound policies that empower vulnerable populations and promote everyone’s social inclusion, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity.
Within a context marked by this need, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) has been recognized as the most inclusive university in the country.
In the 2020 América Economía’s annual ranking of the best Peruvian universities, UPC was recognized as the university with the best inclusion-fostering practices in its institutional sites.
In addition, the UPC has managed to position itself as the university with the highest levels of accreditation and internationality in the country (for the fourth and seventh consecutive years, respectively), and the fourth university in the general ranking. These pillars are an essential part of a continuous improvement in the quality of the educational offer.
This is reflected in the fact that, in 2016, UPC became the first and only Peruvian university to be institutionally accredited by WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), a prestigious accrediting agency officially recognized by the Department of Education of the United States. Likewise, in 2018, the National System for the Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (SINEACE) awarded the Peruvian institutional accreditation to the UPC, making it the only institutionally accredited university in the country.
«Within the educational market, the public may lack the tools to validate a university’s quality and prestige. In light of this, accreditations such as that of WSCUC, that has evaluated Stanford, UCLA, Caltech, Berkeley, and other well-recognized universities, represent a third-party guarantee related to academic quality,» pointed out Manuel Cortés-Fontcuberta Abucci, UPC Quality Assurance Director.
According to Cortés-Fontcuberta, although there is a body such as the National Superintendency of University Education (Sunedu), it only measures a minimum level of quality (basic conditions) under which universities may operate in Peru. On the other hand, accreditations assess measurement areas that help demonstrate compliance with an institutional promise regarding faculty quality, research, educational model, resources, and results of the students’ academic education.
«The licensing process measures the State’s commitment. In turn, in an accreditation process, the university’s commitment is subject to international quality standards,» added Cortés-Fontcuberta.